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Small Smiles Lawsuit

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Frequently Asked Questions

Who does your law firm seek to represent?
How does my child become part of this lawsuit?
What if I cannot afford to hire an attorney to represent my child?
Is my child excluded if I did not use Medicaid to pay for his/her dental work?
What if the Small Smiles clinic that treated my child is no longer in business?

Who does your law firm seek to represent?.
We seek to represent children who were abused, treated inappropriately, or received medically unnecessary dental treatment. We will represent the children who sustained serious harm or injury to their teeth and mouth. We will not accept cases involving poor customer service or other general complaints.

How does my child become part of this lawsuit?
The first step is to fill out the questionnaire on this website so that we can learn information about your child. Please tell us how your child was treated inappropriately. With this information, we can learn more about your child’s dental experience.

What if I cannot afford to hire an attorney to represent my child?
We will represent your child on a contingent fee basis and will advance the expenses of pursuing his or her case. Our legal fees will be 33% of the gross recovery for a child under 18, and 40% of the gross recovery for an adult. Certain state’s laws limit the legal fee we can charge. In these states, our legal fees will be the lesser of 33% for a child and 40% for an adult or the limit on fees set by such states. If we make a successful recovery, we will collect all of our expenses, including court costs. We will calculate our attorneys fees before case expenses are deducted from the recovery. If we fail to make a recovery, we will not seek reimbursement for our expenses.

Is my child excluded if I did not use Medicaid to pay for his/her dental work?
We will consider your child’s case regardless of the method of payment or type of insurance used to pay for your child’s dental care.

What if the Small Smiles clinic that treated my child is no longer in business?
This does not preclude you from pursuing your case. Small Smiles is a national chain, owned by a company called FORBA. Simply because one of the franchise locations has closed does not mean you cannot seek recovery against the dentists, the owners of the Small Smiles chain, and the folks at FORBA.

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Contact Information

4119 Montrose, Suite 250
Houston, Texas 77006
f. 713.528.1390
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